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HomeRelationship11 Ways to Live a Happy Married Life - Expert Tips

11 Ways to Live a Happy Married Life – Expert Tips

Marriage is a special bond between two people, the foundation of which lies in love, trust, patience, understanding, and compatibility. You have taken vows and swore to a holy power for each other. A lot of hardships may come your way but, you must not forget why the bond between you two is worth it. All unavoidable circumstances and hardships will be overcome if a couple works as a team by keeping the motto ‘for better or for worse’ you will do it together as a team. It is a beautiful mess, but it is so worth it. Here are some of the ways how you can have a happy married life:

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How to Lead a Happy Married Life – 

1. Open up to each other

open up to each other

You guys share a bond through this marriage and, it is important to be able to open up to almost everything. There are going to be a lot of things which you can not disclose but find out certain ways where you can. Nothing can be kept close for a long time and you will have to look for the connection through which you can. Sharing is important because if you do not let the other person know what you feel and think, it might turn out to be a huge deal and misunderstanding. Through the hardships, find out the solutions instantly because if you do not make an effort then the value of the relationship will keep on deteriorating day by day.

2. Appreciate the little things

Appreciate the little things - how to live a happy married life

It’s the little things that remain memorable forever. Appreciate each other even on casual events. You may remember some great happening events but, there might be many inside stories, compliments, etc. which would stay remembered for a very long time. The spark between a couple should never fade away. Keep the spark intact in the relationship. Do not let these little things be forgotten and try to create a souvenir of these little things so that they can be favored more often. Memories of happy incidents create lots of little things and you should cherish them forever.

3. Avoid fights

Avoid fights to embrace love

Misunderstandings, arguments, negative comments, and lies lead to fights, so try to avoid them. You can try to sit down and clear out the thoughts because if you do not then, it might go on for a long, and it will turn out to be something ugly, which you would not want. So it is better to sort it out before it goes out of your hands. Do not let the arguments control your relationship. Instead of arguing, you must have a discussion and agree. A conversation where the motive is to solve confusion is always better than spending more time being misunderstood by each other.

4. Spend more quality time with each other

Spend more quality time to understand each other

Every person in a relationship needs to spend quality time with each other. The more you spend time together, the more the spark of the relationship stays alive. It might not be possible to have some time daily but, at least thrice or four times a week helps. Do not let your significant other forget about this. This quality time also brings back the physical touch, which also plays a major role in a relationship. If the other person is tired and wants to rest, then you must give them space. Spending time with each other and giving space to each other is equally necessary. Also, respect each other’s decisions when it comes to that.

5. Be kind

Be kind

Apart from complimenting and appreciating each other on most steps, you must be kind to one another. Suppose one of you guys has made a mistake and accepted it. Instead of being annoyed and wanting to free up your anger on them, you must be kind to them and be thankful for having such a genuine and honest spouse. This was a simple example, but you might face different incidents where your function should be somewhat similar. You must always keep in mind that your destination is the same, but sometimes the path can be different. Keep that in mind and go forward.

6. Relive the vows

Relive the vows

Remind yourself of the vows you had taken upon each other during the marriage. Remind yourself why it is worth being with each other. Love each other irrespective of the circumstances. Allow each other to open up and share things. Look up to the old photographs. It is always memories that bring back memories. Watch the old videos and images together. Have a good laugh. Remind yourselves of the value of these memories. Remind yourselves of the happy incidents that happened in the past. Cherish the memories together.

7. Support each other

support each other for a happy married life

There are going to be times when your capacity to encourage each other might fade away but always support each other. You may not brace their decision at times, but you need to let them know that you will be there for them through difficult situations, no matter what. At times, support their decisions as well by understanding them. Think through every event before making prompt decisions. Even when you are fighting, you must keep in mind that anybody can be wrong, so do not prioritize your decisions over them because what they have thought might be right as well. So, think before you speak, and be sure of your words. Support each other because you have not come this far to only come this far, and you guys have a long way to go. Keep on encouraging each other and keep on reminding them to excel in whatever they do.

8. Focus on the positives

focus on the positives

Instead of only noticing the negative points, you must look after the positive ones, which will be reimbursed. When you come together as a team, you are hefty than ever. Support each other and appreciate them by saying how strong they are and how that encourages you from within. These will make them feel admired and put an everlasting smile on their face. You must also focus on the well-fortified features of your relationship. Keep on repeating the cute and beautiful gestures from your end and, you shall receive the same from your significant other as well. You must not let your relationship fall into a dull situation and turn monotonous. You should rather work on making it powerful day by day so that the spark stays alive.

9. Accept and expect change

Accept and expect change

You can’t expect your partner to remain the same forever. People change from time to time, but one must always keep in mind the bond between two people who are in love with each other. Your significant other will change, be it their habits or work. But you must respect that and adapt accordingly. But if you have a grave problem with a sudden change that might be difficult for you to accommodate then, you must say it out loud and clear the air in between. You do not need to keep it inside yourself for the sake of their happiness. Patience and prosperity are two different things which you will understand with the situations accordingly.

10. Recognise the EBB and flows

Recognise the EBB and flows

All relationships are full of ups and downs, but the motive is to overcome the hardships. There are no jobs distributed between spouses apart from the silly stuff. But the work upon the relationship should be equal between both of you. You two should take up the responsibility where no one has to remind you about it. Being mature about decisions and acting in accordance shows the margin of maturity in the relationship where the other one should appreciate it. Being an idol not making an effort and not showing much interest will only bring the relationship to an end. Work on it together as a team and you can achieve every goal with ease.

11. Relish the silence

Relish the silence

It is important to ignore and walk out of a problem that does not seem to be addressed. Practice the theory of forgiving and forgetting. It is necessary to stay silent in certain situations. You must acknowledge and let an issue be as it is because if you mix up with it, the events might turn out to be difficult to solve in the end. Keep reminding yourself and your significant other of the value of your bond and the relationship. Sometimes, words thrown by each other can be difficult to hear, but it is not intended, in reality. Harsh words are used to make you feel bad, but the intention is to win a fight and not to hurt someone’s respect. Letting go and staying silent is the best option one can offer and accept.


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There is nothing greater than love, and there is no great thing that can’t be won without love. Coming together as a couple and celebrating it through holy matrimony among so many people is a great start but, not many people can hold on to it. Whereas, a lot of people can and, their love has been marked ever since. You just need to help each other along the beautiful journey, hold on to each other, and never give up. You will fall weak in love, but the strength will be brought upon you as well, no matter what. Do not let any circumstance come in between because you would overcome any situation if your love is strong enough.

“Me and you, just us two.”

– Carrie Bradshaw (S*x & the City)

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