India’s Covid-19 tally rose to 80,88,851 on Friday with 48,648 new cases recorded in 24 hours. India’s total death because of the pandemic went up by 563 to 1,21,090. The active cases stood at 5,94,386, while the number of recoveries reached 73,73,375.
India has been recording less than 50,000 infections for the last five days and the active cases have fallen below the six lakh mark, to a level seen in the first week of August. India’s recovery rate has risen to 91.15 percent while the case fatality rate stands at 1.50 percent.
On Coronavirus vaccine-related news, the Supreme Court of India issued notice to the Centre on Thursday over a plea which alleged two drugs — Remdesivir and Favipiravir — were being promoted for the treatment of Corona patients without clearance from regulatory authorities.
Delhi reported the highest single-day spike of Coronavirus cases at 5,739
Spike in cases is due to aggressive contact tracing & testing. Until there is a vaccine, masks should be considered as a vaccine: Delhi Health Minister Satyender Jain.
Maharashtra’s coronavirus tally on Thursday increased to 16,66,668 with 5,902 new corona cases.
India’s current active case comprises 7.5 percent of the total caseload. Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka have reported the highest number of cases. However, infections are rising rapidly in states like Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal.
Yet, India’s recovery rate continues to rise and now stands at 90.99%.
WHO planning to set up a compensation fund for poor countries
The World Health Organization is planning to set up a compensation fund for citizens in poor countries, who might suffer side-effects from coronavirus vaccines, Reuters reported on Thursday. The scheme could cover 92 low-income countries. It was not clear what criteria were used to select the 92 nations.
According to WHO, Covid-19 has infected more than 44.3 million people globally and killed 1.17 million. More than 30 million people have recovered from the Coronavirus.
The United States continues to be the worst-affected followed by India and Brazil.
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